Lehse, kham niar napdeng jong ngi,
Ban iohmad ia i jakhluid, sha saw,
soh mynken khnai war bad 'tung thang
dang step phyrngap ha
skum trep ha nongkyndong kynjai.
Khublei Kha.
Khublei paralok.
Khublei Mei Ramew.
-Paia B. Dohling
The taste and flavour of red tea with rice and ktung thang (roasted dry fish) 😀😀 ❤️🤎🌱🌱 The typical Khasi breakfast mostly comprises of tea with plain rice 🌾🌾
Khublei Shibun @paia_b_dohling for tagging us in this picture! Love the wooden floor holding the breakfast we all know!