Kiang Nangbah Kiang Nangbah,
Ya me da phrang dei mynsien dap chynrang,
Ka yutran wa khia,
kit mi neibynta ka ri,
Tang wow im ka jaitbru,
bynda mi da u radang ha u tylle pasi.
Kiang Nangbah, the son of Ka Rimai Nangbah from the Soo Kpoh Clan, was an original settler of Jowai in a locality known as Tpep-pale. He fought a freedom battle against the mighty British force at a period almost coinciding with the 'First War of Independence' or the 'Indian Mutiny' or the "Sepoy Mutiny' of 1857.
The Jaiñtia Revolt started in 1860 when the government introduced house tax on the people. It was U Kiang Nangbah who urged the people not to pay any tax to the government. It was because of this incident that Kiang Nangbah made up his mind to organise the Jaiñtia people against the British. Kiang Nangbah got the support of his work from all sections of the society.
Kiang Nangbah rose to become one of the leaders of the resistance movement against the British. He organised military-style attacks on the British which were so successful as to threaten the colonial powers. Ultimately, he was captured by the British as a result of being betrayed by one of his own people. He was hanged to death by the British on 30th December 1862, in Jowai Town.
His last words before he was hanged in the gallows were:
"Lada khyr-uin i khmat o cha mihsngi,
ka ri wa maia yong nga,
hapoh chispah snem daw lait ko nei chah chakri:
Lada khyr-uin wan i cha sepsngi,
yanom bhor, kylla r'ta,
Ka ri wa maia yong nga u chongbrō
ko chirta".
"If my Head turns to the east,
my country will attain freedom within
a hundred years,
but if it turns westwards,
we will remain slaves for eternity."
U Kiang Nangbah was truly a man of courage who will continue to inspire our generation.
Ha kane ka sngi, 30 tarik u Nohprah kaba dei ka lyngkhuh sngi ïap jong u Kiang Nangbah, ai ba ngin ïaid sha u snem thymmai da ka mynsiem kaba shlur, kaba dap da ka jingkyrmen, kaba lam lynti da ka jingshisha bad ka jingieit ïa ka jaitbynriew. 🏞️🌾 Khublei Chibōn @warikasumer01 wa phah phi ya kini ki jingthoh wa kordor! 😄🙏 🟡 Sources: - "The Legacy Of U Kiang Nangbah" by Mrs. Wa-i-sa Sumer. - "U Kiang Nangbah Bad Ka Jingialeh Ka Ri Jaiñtia naka bynta Ka Jinglaitluid" by (Late) S. Quotient Sumer.